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Jordan helped Israel against Iran, now locals are protesting
Frust und Angst im Iran nach dem Angriff auf Israel
Why Iran's missile capabilities present an ongoing threat
First take on a new era in the Middle East
Massiver iranischer Raketenangriff auf Israel
Iran's Revolutionary Guard seizes Israeli-linked ship
Why are Iran and Israel sworn enemies?
Damascus attack: New chapter in Iran-Israel conflict
Turning Point: Israeli Attack on IRGC in Syria
Iran executes 853 people in eight-year high amid relentless repression and renewed ‘war on drugs’
Amnesty: 853 Menschen allein 2023 hingerichtet
“Woman, Life, Freedom” survivors want to end State impunity in Iran
Silenced Voices, Rising Movement: The Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights in Iran
International Community Stands Firm: Mandates for UN Human Rights Bodies on Iran Are Renewed in the Face of Islamic Republic Atrocities
Angriff auf iranischen Journalisten in London: Motiv unklar, Verdächtige außer Landes
Iran's women vow resistance against 'misogynistic' regime
Tribalismus und Armut beeinflussen iranische Wahlen
Der „iranische Folter-Bär“ und britische Geheimdokumente
Crimes Against Humanity Unveiled: UN Fact-Finding Mission Exposes Iran’s State Atrocities
Commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force is expanding predecessor’s vision of chaos in the Middle East
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