At least 476 people including 64 children and 34 women, have been killed by security forces in the current nationwide protests. The death toll increase relates to recently verified cases from the first two months of the protests.
Furthermore, at least 100 protesters are currently at risk of execution, death penalty charges or sentences. This is a minimum as most families are under pressure to stay quiet, the real number is believed to be much higher.
Welcoming parliamentarians volunteering as political sponsors, Iran Human Rights reiterates the need to increase the political cost of executions for the Islamic Republic.
Director Mahmood Amiry Moghaddam said: “Despite more than 100 days passing since the start of the nationwide protests, hundreds being killed, thousands arrested and protesters being executed, the people’s uprising for real change and achieving fundamental rights continues. The challenge facing people is the price they have to pay to achieve this goal. More widespread participation inside and outside the country and the international community supporting this uprising, can help lower the cost.”
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, at least 476 people including 64 children have been killed by security forces in the nationwide protests so far. Of the 64 children, nine were girls. They were all under 18 years of age, but have not all been verified through document evidence. Iran Human Rights is working to obtain confirmation of their ages.
The aforementioned numbers only relate to protests on the streets. Protesters Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard who were executed and those that have died under suspicious circumstances (include alleged suicides) shortly after release are not included in these statistics.
Death Toll by Province
Protesters have been killed in 25 provinces, with the most reported in Sistan and Baluchistan, Western Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Tehran and Mazandaran respectively.
Deaths have been recorded in 25 provinces: Sistan and Baluchistan: 130 people; West Azerbaijan: 53 people; Kurdistan: 53 people; Tehran: 52 people; Mazandaran: 38 people; Gilan: 26 people; Kermanshah: 25 people; Alborz: 23 people; Isfahan: 14 people; Fars: 11 people; Khuzestan: 11 people; Khorasan-Razavi: 7 people; East Azerbaijan: 4 people; Zanjan: 3 people; Lorestan: 3 people; Markazi: 3 people; Qazvin: 3 people; Hamevdan: 3 people; Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad: 2 people; Ardabil: 2 people; Ilam: 2 people; Bushehr: 2 people; Hormozgan: 2 person; Semnan: 1 person; Golestan: 1 person.
Crucial to note: Iran Human Rights started researching and recording protester deaths from the outset of protests. In the course of research and as new information is obtained, the data will be adjusted accordingly. As such, it is reflected in the change in province numbers.
The most number of deaths were recorded on 21, 22 and 30 September (Baluchistan’s “Bloody Friday”). November 4 was the bloodiest day in November with 21 recorded deaths.
Numbers are a “minimum”
The death toll is an absolute minimum. Reports of protester killings in the last few days are still being investigated. Iran Human Rights has received a high volume of reports of deaths which it continues to investigate with security considerations and internet disruptions. The actual number of people killed therefore, is certainly higher.
The Islamic Republic is intentionally creating confusion in protester cases by sharing contradicting statements, particularly in death penalty cases. This is further perpetuated by the fact that security defendants do not have access to their own lawyers per the Note to Article 48 of the CCP and their family contact is restricted. Many lawyers have reported being prevented from accessing their clients and their cases at all stages of the legal proceedings.
1. MANOUCHEHR MEHMAN NAVAZ, 45 (مهماننواز منوچهر(
- Arson of buildings with the intention of opposing the Islamic
government/moharebeh punishment for throwing Molotov cocktails at a government building
- assembly and collusion against national security
- disrupting public order and security by creating controversy and commotion and participating in illegal gatherings
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch 28 of Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Amouzad.
2. MOHAMMAD GHOBADLOO, 22 (قبادلو محمد(
Efsad-fil-arz through large-scale action against police by crashing into police with a car that caused the death of Farid Karampour Hasanvand and the injury of 5 police officers.
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. Sentence upheld.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
2nd CASE CHARGES: Qisas (retribution-in-kind) for murder.
STATUS: Hearing took place at Branch One of the Tehran Criminal Court on December 10 where Mohammad’s bipolar disorder was raised. Court to reconvene after conducting further investigations.
3. SAMAN SEYDI, 24 (سیدی سامان(
- Moharebeh through pulling handgun and firing 3 bullets in the air (pellet gun) - Assembly and collusion against national security
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. The Supreme Court has referred the case back to the court which issued the original sentence based on Article 469(b)(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedures.
4. MOHAMMAD BOROUGHANI, 19 (ن بروغ محمد(
- Moharebeh through drawing a machete and attacking the Pakdasht city hall with a mob
- Arson of city hall
- Attacking and injuring a government official on duty, causing injury
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Tehran Public Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. Sentence upheld.
5. MAHAN SADRAT-MADANI (MARANI), 22 ( مدن صدرات ماهان(
Moharebeh through drawing a cold weapon (knife).
STATUS: Death sentence issued by the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Iman Afshari. The case was referred to a court of equal standing by the Supreme Court based on Article 474(g) of the Islamic Penal Code.
6. SAHAND NOUR MOHAMMADZADEH, 25 (نورمحمدزاده سهند(
- Moharebeh through destruction and arson of public property to disrupt national order and security and opposing the Islamic government
- assembly and collusion against national security
- disturbing public order and peace by participating in illegal gatherings
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch 29 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. The case was referred to a court of equal standing by the Supreme Court based on Article 474(g) of the Islamic Penal Code.
7. SAEED SHIRAZI (شریازی سعید(
Efsad-fil-arz through widespread incitement and encouragement of people to commit crimes against national security and order for sharing a tutorial on how to make molotov cocktails on Instagram.
STATUS: Tried by the Tehran Public Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. Verdict unclear.
8. MOHSEN REZAZADEH-GHARAGHOLU, 21 (قراقلو رضازاده محسن(
- Moharebeh through participation in setting fire in a public device in order to disturb public order and security
- Assembly and collusion against national security
- Making explosive items such as Molotov cocktails for anti-security purposes
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022 - Throwing stones at law enforcement officers
STATUS: Tried by the Tehran Public Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. Verdict unclear.
(ابوالفضل مهری حسری لو حا ج ) 17, HAJILU HOSSEIN MEHRI ABOLFAZL. 9
Opposing the Islamic government by setting fire to a vehicle in public use in order to disrupt national order and security for setting fire to 25 bins.
STATUS: Tried by the Tehran Public Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Salavati. Verdict unclear.
The following five individuals have been sentenced to death in relation to the to the death of an IRGC Ruhollah Ajamian at the scene of Hadis Najafi’s 40th day memorial on the Karaj Qazvin motorway next to the cemetery on November 3.
10. MOHAMMAD MEHDI KARAMI, 22 (کریم محمدمهدی(
- “efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth) by committing crimes against national security - attacking basiji forces
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
- assembly and collusion against national security and publishing calls against the government online”
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch One of the Alborz province Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Asef Alhosseini. Case is currently at the Supreme Court.
11. SEYED MOHAMMAD HOSSEINI (ن (سید محمد حسی
- Efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth) by committing crimes against national security - Attacking basiji forces
- Assembly and collusion against national security and publishing calls against the government online
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch One of the Alborz province Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Asef Alhosseini. Case is currently at the Supreme Court.
12. HAMID GHAREH-HASSANLU, 53 (قرهحسنلو حمید(
- Efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth) by committing crimes against national security
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022 - Assembly and collusion against national security
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch One of the Alborz province Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Asef Alhosseini. Case is currently at the Supreme Court.
13. HOSSEIN MOHAMMADI, 26 (محمدی(حسری
Theatre actor.
Efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth) by committing crimes against national security
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch One of the Alborz province Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Asef Alhosseini. Case is currently at the Supreme Court.
14. REZA ARIA, 43 (آریا رضا(
Efsad-fil-arz by committing crimes against national security, attacking police and basiji forces, assembly and collusion against national security
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
STATUS: Sentenced to death by Branch One of the Alborz province Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Asef Alhosseini. Case is currently at the Supreme Court.
15. TOOMAJ SALEHI, 32 (صالیح توماج(
Famous rapper and human rights defender.
- Efsad-fil-arz through publishing widespread lies, causing major damage - Forming and running an illegal group in order to disrupt national security - Collaborating with a hostile state and inciting and encouraging others to commit violent acts
STATUS: Indicted by the Isfahan Revolutionary Court.
The following 10 people have been indicted for the death of three repressive forces in Isfahan on November 16. According to the Isfahan judiciary, the first four defendants are being tried by the Criminal Court and the remainder by the Revolutionary Court. While 9 were originally announced, ten were named in the indictment.
16. AMIR NASR AZADANI, 26 ( نرصآزادان امری(
Professional football player and the 5th defendant in the case.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
- Baghy (armed rebellion) through membership of an organised armed group with the intention of opposing the Islamic Republic
- Membership of illegal group with intention to disrupt national security - Assembly and collusion to commit security crimes, amounting to moharebeh
STATUS: Indicted by the Isfahan Revolutionary Court.
17. SAEED YAGHOUBI, 30 (ن یعقو سعید(
STATUS: Indicted.
18. SALEH MIRHASHEMI, 36 (مریهاشیم صالح(
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Indicted.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
19. SOHEIL JAHANGIRI, 21 (جهانگریی سهیل(
Member of the U-21 Isfahan wrestling team.
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Indicted.
20. MAJID KAZEMI, 30 (کاظیم مجید(
Moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Indicted.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
21. HOSSEIN KAZEMI, 34 (کاظیم(حسری
Moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Indicted.
22. FARAMARZ SALEHI (صالیح فرامرز(
STATUS: Indicted.
23. JABER MIRHASHEMI (مریهاشیم جابر(
STATUS: Indicted.
24. MEHDI MASHAYEKHI (یح (مهدی مشای
STATUS: Indicted.
25. ABOLFAZL BADIALAH (بادیاله ابوالفضل(
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022 STATUS: Indicted.
26. HESHMATOLLAH TABARZADI, 63 (یزدی ط حشمتهللا(
Political activist.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
The following five individuals were arrested in relation to the case of the death of IRGC Arman Ali Verdi in Ekbatan on October 26. According to recently released photos by the Judiciary, there are at least four other unidentified men and a woman in the case.
27. MILAD ARMOUN, 22 (آرمون میالد(
He is the first defendant in the case.
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Charged.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
28. NASTOOH NIKKHAH-BAHRAMI, 25 (بهرایم نیکخواه نستوه(
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Charged.
29. MEHDI JAHANI ( جهان مهدی(
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Charged.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
30. ALIREZA KAFAYI (ن (علریضاکفا
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Charged.
31. AKBAR GHAFFARI (یغفاری اک(
Akbar was arrested for opening his home to fleeing protesters in Falah, Tehran. Under torture, he was forced to sign a confession to the murder of a policeman which he was unable to read due to illiteracy.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
32. FARZAD TAHAZADEH, 26 (طهزاده فرزاد(
Brothers and protesters from Oshnavieh
STATUS: Family were informed of their imminent executions which was later denied by Islamic Republic officials who claim the case has not reached trial stage and nobody has been sentenced to death in Oshnavieh.
33. FARHAD TAHAZADEH, 25 (طهزاده فرهاد(
Brothers and protesters from Oshnavieh
STATUS: Family were informed of their imminent executions which was later denied by Islamic Republic officials who claim the case has not reached trial stage and nobody has been sentenced to death in Oshnavieh.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
34. HEJAR HAMIDI, 35 (حمیدی هژار(
Oshnavieh protester.
STATUS: Unclear.
Oshnavieh protester.
STATUS: Unclear.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
36. SHAHRAM MAROUFMOLA, 22 (مال معروف شهرام(
Oshnavieh protester.
STATUS: Unclear.
37. REZA ESLAMDOUST, 24 (اسالمدوست رضا(
Oshnavieh protester.
STATUS: Unclear.
38. AYOUB AGHLIANI ( آغلیان ایوب(
Oshnavieh protester.
Death penalty charges.
STATUS: Unclear.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
39. OMID HASSANZEHI, 20 (زیه حسن امید(
One of five relatives from Cheshme Ziarat village arrested over the death of IRGC Behzad Barahouyi. Had alibi, was working at his job in a shop that day, which was confirmed by his employer.
CHARGES: Unclear.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
40. FARSHID HASSANZEHI, 25 (زیه حسن فرشید(
One of five relatives from Cheshme Ziarat village arrested over the death of IRGC Behzad Barahouyi. Had alibi, was working at his job in a shop that day, which was confirmed by his employer.
CHARGES: Unclear.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
41. BEHZAD HASSANZEHI , 26 (زیه حسن بهزاد(
One of five relatives from Cheshme Ziarat village arrested over the death of IRGC Behzad Barahouyi. Had alibi, was working at his job in a shop that day, which was confirmed by his employer.
CHARGES: Unclear.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
42. JAMSHID HASSANZEHI, 29 (زیه حسن جمشید(
One of five relatives from Cheshme Ziarat village arrested over the death of IRGC Behzad Barahouyi. Had alibi, was working at his job in a shop that day, which was confirmed by his employer.
CHARGES: Unclear.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
43. ESMAIL HASSANZEHI, 30 (زیه حسن اسماعیل(
One of five relatives from Cheshme Ziarat village arrested over the death of IRGC Behzad Barahouyi. Had alibi, was working as sookhtbar (fuel-carrier) that day. CHARGES: Unclear.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
44. EBRAHIM RIGI, 34 ( (ابراهیم ریگ
Medical student who treated those injured at Zahedan’s “Bloody Friday” on September 30. CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
45. ALI (MAKAN) DAVARI, 19 (داوری عیل(
Moharebeh, efsad-fil-arz and assembly and collusion against national security. Held in Lahijan Prison.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
46. NEZAMٍEDIN HOOT, 20 ( هوت الدین نظام (
Protester arrested in Chabahar.
Moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
47. MANSOUR HOOT, 25 ( هوت منصور(
Protester arrested in Chabahar.
Moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
48. MANSOUR DAHMARDEH, 22 (دهمرده منصور(
Disabled bus driver arrested on the route from Zahedan to Bandar Abbas. CHARGES:
STATUS: charged.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
Physically tortured to confess to the destruction and arson of a bank and public property CHARGES:
Moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
50. MOHAMMAD RAKHSHANI-AZAD, 16 (آزاد(محمد رخشان
Baluch boy with epilepsy who was arrested the day after Zahedan’s Bloody Friday. CHARGES:
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
51. ALI RAKHSHANI-AZAD, 15 (آزاد(عیل رخشان
Mohammad’s younger brother who was arrested the day after Zahedan’s Bloody Friday. CHARGES:
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
52. SHOEIB MIRBALUCHZEHI RIGI, 18 ( (شعیب مریبلوچزیه ریگ
Baluch protester.
STATUS: Sentenced to death.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
53. OMID KASHANI, 26 ( امیدکاشان(
Sookhtbar (fuel carrier) and close friend of Khodanour Lejei.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
54. HOSSEIN KASHANI, 29 ( کاشان(حسری
Close friend of Khodanour Lejei, arrested the day after Zahedan’s Bloody Friday. CHARGES:
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
55. FARHAD NAKHAEI, 18 (نخیع فرهاد(
Baluch arrested at protest against rape of 15 year old girl Baluch girl by the Chabahar police chief.
CHARGES: Unclear
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
56. MOHAMMAD FOULADI, 18 (فوالدی محمد(
Baluch arrested at protest against rape of 15 year old girl Baluch girl by the Chabahar police chief.
CHARGES: Unclear
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
57. ADEL GARGIJ, 22 (گرگیج عادل(
Baluch protester.
CHARGES: Moharebeh.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
The following three individuals were arrested in connection with the death of Friday Imam
Sajad Shahraki.
58. MOHAMMADREZA NAROUYI-SHIRANI, 48 ( شریان ن (محمدرضا نارو
He is believed to have been arrested in place of his son, Arash who managed to escape. CHARGES: Unclear
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
59. ESMAIL SHEHBAKHSH, 41 (شهبخش اسماعیل(
He was friends with Arash Narouyi-Shirani and Ruhollah Kahrazehi and was arrested after hosting Arash at his home for one night.
CHARGES: Unclear
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
60. RUHOLLAH KAHRAZEHI, 21 (کهرازیه روحهللا(
He was friends with Arash Narouyi-Shirani.
CHARGES: Unclear
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
(میثم م یهن)
Azeri protester tortured to confess to making molotov cocktails while drunk and destruction of property including the Islamic Republic flag in Malekan, East Azerbaijan. While the Malekan prosecutor denied the security charges, his self-incriminating forced confessions to capital offences have been aired.
CHARGES: Moharebeh.
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
62. POURIA JAVAHERI (جواهری پوریا(
Worker and protester arrested in Kamyaran, Kurdistan province, and forced to confess to the killing of IRGC Reza Azarbar.
CHARGES: Moharebeh.
STATUS: unclear.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
63. MAHSA MOHAMMADI, 22 (محمدی مهسا(
Microbiology student in Sabzevar, Razavi Khorasan province, arrested for a tweet. CHARGES: Sabol-nabi (insulting the prophet).
STATUS: unclear.
64. MOJGAN KAVOUSI (کاوویس مژگان(
Kurdish language teacher, author, researcher and human rights defender. CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz, publishing lies, inciting people to war and killing, and collaborating with a hostile government.
STATUS: Charged by the Sari Revolutionary Court.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
65. BITA HAGHANI, 22 ( حقان بیتا(
Blogger and student.
CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Charged by the Sari Revolutionary Court.
66. REZA RASAYI, 34 (ن (رضا رسا
Arrested in relation to the death of IRGC Nader Beirami at a ceremony held for Yarsani leader, Seyed Khalil Alinejad, which people used as an opportunity to protest, holding “Women, Life, Liberty” signs. Authorities falsely claim the gathering which they violently crushed, was unrelated to protests. He was tortured to force self-incriminating confessions to the murder. There are other unknown defendants in this case.
CHARGES: Moharebeh.
STATUS: At risk of death penalty charges.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
67. DANIAL GHEZELJAYI, 22 (ن (دانیال قزلجا
Turkaman poet and law student who penned a poem for women.
CHARGES: Moharebeh.
STATUS: At risk of death penalty charges.
68. HASSAN FIROUZI (فریوزی حسن(
A young father reportedly at high risk of death after being subjected to torture to force self incriminating confessions as a protest leader.
CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: Unclear, reports of sentence being issued.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
69. SAJAD IMANNEJAD, 31 (ایماننژاد سجاد(
CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: At risk of death penalty charges.
70. TOHID DARWISH, 27 (درویش توحید(
Kurdish protester forced to confess to setting fire to a bank. CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: Charged.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
71. ASHKAN MORAVATI, 26 ( مرون اشکان(
Kurdish protester who was shot and arrested after confronting security forces alone. CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: Charged.
72. MOJAHED KOURKOUR (کورکور مجاهد(
Bakhtiari man arrested and tortured to force confession to killing 10-year-old Kian Pirfalak who was killed by security forces in Izeh on November 17. His forced confessions have been aired.
CHARGES: death penalty charges.
STATUS: Unclear.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
73. PARHAM PARVARI, 25 (پروری پرهام(
Swimming champion from Saqqez.
CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: at risk of death penalty charges.
74. JAVAD ROUHI, 35 (روج جواد(
Amol protester.
CHARGES: Moharebeh
STATUS: charged (and sentenced according to video by parents)
The following three individuals were arrested in relation to a foiled bomb attack in Shiraz. The forced confessions of four men and a woman have been aired. Mohammad Kheiveh and Dena Sheibani have been released, the following three men are at risk of death penalty charges in relation to the incident.
(ا آبادی رشاق نجف
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
Cycling instructor from Shiraz.
CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Unclear.
76. HESSAM MOUSAVI (موسوی حسام(
Rock climbing instructor from Shiraz.
CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Unclear.
Protesters at Risk of Execution, Death Penalty Charges or Sentences in Iran, 27 December 2022
77. AMIR ARSALAN MAHVADI, 34 (مهدوی ارسالن امری(
Snowboarding instructor from Shiraz.
CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz.
STATUS: Unclear.
The following 23 individuals are protesters from Baghe Malek in Khuzestan who have been indicted for charges of moharebeh and efsad-fil-arz in the same case. No further details are available.
78. AMIN AMIRI (امریی(امری
79. MILAD ZAKAVI (زکوی میالد(
80. SAEED RAYGANI MAJ ( (سعید رایگانماج
81. MAJID YOUSEFI HEZARVAND (هزاروند(مجید یوسف
82. NILOUFAR GHAHREMANI ( قهرمان نیلوفر(
83. MOHAMMAD BAKHSHI (بخرش محمد(
84. MARASHI SHIRIN SEYEDEH. (سیده شریین مرع رش)
86. MOSLEM NOROUZI NASAB (نسب نوروزی مسلم(
87. ARSALAN KORDI (کردی ارسالن(
88. JAMAL GHASEMIAN NASAB (قاسمیاننسب جمال(
89. SEYED MOHAMAD TABATABAI (ن (سیدمحمد طباطبا
90. ELHAM SARIRIZADEH (رصیریزاده الهام(
91. SASAN ZANGANEH (زنگنه ساسان(
92. YOUSEF AKH SHEIKH (آخشیخ یوسف(
93. MOSTAFA KORDI (کردی(مصطف
94. JAMSHID GHASEMIAN SERESHT (ششت قاسمیان جمشید(
95. VALIOLLAH ADELZADEH (عادلزاده ویلهللا(
96. SAJAD SHAFIEI (شفییع سجاد(
97. MOHAMAD JAVAD KORDI (کردی محمدجواد(
98. SALMAN EIVAZINEJAD ( ض (سلمان عیو نژاد
99. HAMZEH SHAFIEI (شفییع حمزه(
100. MOHAMAD NAZARI (نظری محمد(
Original-Text by Iran Human Rights