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Regime richtet zwei weitere Protestanten hin

Das iranische Regime hat zwei weitere Männer hingerichtet, die angeblich an der Protestbewegung gegen die Führung des Landes teilgenommen hatten: Mohammad Mehdi Karami und Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, die laut Gericht einen Angehörigen der Basij-Sicherheitskräfte am 3. November 2022 getötet haben sollen.

Laut Amnesty International waren Karami und Hosseini am 5. Dezember im Rahmen eines unfairen Gruppen-Schnellverfahrens zum Tod verurteilt worden, wegen Mordes und „Verdorbenheit auf Erden“ („Corruption on earth“, hier ein Überblick zu den vom Regime gegen Protestierende erhohenen Vorwürfen).

Laut Social Media war Mohammad Mehdi Karami (li.) Karate-Champion, er soll schon bei seiner Festnahme brutal zugerichtet und im Gefängnis gefoltert worden sein. Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini (re.) soll als Kampfsportlehrer sozial benachteiligte Kinder unterrichtet und als Angestellter auf einer Geflügelfarm gearbeitet haben. Auch er sei schwer misshandelt worden. Am Morgen des Samstags wurden beide gehenkt.

Hier die Profile von Amnesty zu den beiden Opfern (und hier die Übersicht zu anderen möglichen Todesstrafen-Opfern):


On 5 December 2022, a Revolutionary Court in Alborz province sentenced young protester Mohammad Mehdi Karami to death after convicting him of “corruption on earth” in connection with the fatal assault of a Basij agent during protests about a month earlier on 3 November. The court convicted him less than a week after the beginning of a fast- tracked unfair group trial on 30 November 2022 which bore no resemblance to a meaningful judicial proceeding.On 12 December 2022, Mohammad Mehdi Karami’s father told a national new agency that the authorities had not allowed the family’s independently appointed lawyer access to his son’s casefile. He added that the court-appointed lawyer failed to respond to the family’s repeated calls and requests to provide them with the documents needed to appeal the verdict or even share the address of his office.He said: “I have not been able to work... I go to the court and prison every morning and then walk aimlessly in the streets. This morning I went to prison, but the assistant prosecutor stationed in prison was not there. They told me that I must stop going there if my case related to the protests. They do not give you any response. Every night I am terrified that they would give me the news of my child’s execution. I have lost hope... they have sentenced my child to death and might carry out his execution any minute.”Four other co-defendants were also sentenced to death in connection with the same fatal assault. The authorities did not reveal their names, but information gathered by Amnesty International indicates that they include Hamid Ghare-Hasalou (entry No. 7), Sayed Mohammad Hosseini (entry No. 9) and Hossein Mohammadi (entry No. 10). The identity of the fifth co-defendant sentenced to death remains unclear to Amnesty International and he could be one of the following people who underwent the group trial: Reza Arya, Mehdi Mohammadi, Shayan Charani, Mohammad Amin Akhlaghi, Reza Shaker Zavardahi, Javad Zargaran or Behrad Ali Kenari. The Iranian authorities must immediately clarify the conviction and sentence issued against each of these individuals.Before the group trial had started, state media aired the defendants’ forced “confessions” and described them as “murderers”, in breach of their rights to presumption of innocence and freedom from torture and other cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.9.


On 5 December 2022, a Revolutionary Court in Alborz province sentenced young protester Seyed Mohammad Hosseini to death after convicting him of “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel arz) in connection with the fatal assault of a Basij agent during protests about a month earlier on 3 November. The court convicted him less than a week after the beginning of a fast- tracked unfair sham group trial on 30 November 2022 which bore no resemblance to judicial proceedings.Four other co-defendants were also sentenced to death in connection with the same fatal assault. The authorities did not reveal their names, but information gathered by Amnesty International indicates that they include Hamid Ghare-Hasalou (entry No. 7), Mohammad Mehdi Karami (entry No. 8) and Hossein Mohammadi (entry No. 10). The identity of the fifth co-defendant sentenced to death remains unclear to Amnesty International (entry No.11). Based on publicly available information on the sentences against a number of individuals who underwent the group trial, he could be one of the following people: Reza Arya, Mehdi Mohammadi, Shayan Charani, Mohammad Amin Akhlaghi, Reza Shaker Zavardahi, Javad Zargaran or Behrad Ali Kenari. The Iranian authorities must immediately clarify the conviction and sentence issued against each of these individuals.Before the group trial had started, state media aired the defendants’ forced “confessions” and described them as “murderers”, in breach of their rights to presumption of innocence and freedom from torture and other cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.


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